Sunday, July 13, 2008

Reunion Update

Dear All Georgians,

It has been quite a slow month lately. Payments has been slow and the e-mails and blogs too. I guess most of us are quite busy with work since its fiscal year closing and all. Anyway just an update on the activities for the reunion, we have already now paid for the hall , yesterday ...(thanks Helmi). And now we will soon have the next committee meeting (in a weeks time or more) to discuss on the menu for the night and other final touches. Once again a reminder to all...please do make payment as soon as possible..if cannot pay first due to financial constrain and can only pay end of July , atleast please inform any of the committee members, of your confirm attendance. For those who have paid Thank You very much. I would also request that it will be great that all of us bring something as a gift for the lucky does not need to be an expensive one..its the thought that counts. Till we hear from each oher...good bye people.




Anna@R said...

mr ravindran..
kalau nak buat meeting..inform 3 days earlier know lah i nie kan hope u understand ok... : )

Next meeting nie wat kat umah ko..nanti aku suruh Ravindran ngan helmi tapau food n drinks..hehehhehe

ArchAngel said...

ok no problem. Kita suruh si hafi and you anna to cook ok. Tapi please no sotong ok !!!!!!!!!!

Hafitah said...

amboi..amboi..dah la nak buat kat rumah aku, kena masak pulak tu hehehehe...masak air, ok tak ravi??

Anna@R said...

what masak??? alamak maid aku dah balik..aku dah lupa cara2 nak masak..mintak maap lah yer..korang yg lelaki lelaki perasan macho-gi lah tapau lauk n nasi, beli air botol sekali..cawan plastik -sian fitah..nnati penat dia.
Tak pun kring kring lah pizza-apa susah..
hampeh kau ravi..ko perli aku psl sotong yek..itu favourite aku..x leh di nafikan.. : )